Registration of high-rise residential buildings active

On the 12th of April 2023 the Building Safety Regulator opened the registration process for high-rise residential buildings in England.

It is a legal requirement under the Building Safety Act 2022 for all high-rise residential buildings 18 metres tall or higher, or at least 7 storeys tall, with two or more residential units to be registered with the Building Safety Regulator by the 1st of October 2023.


The Principal Accountable Person (PAP) for each building, or someone authorised by them, is required to complete the registration process.

The fee to register each building is £251.



To register a high-rise building go to the Government website:



For Governmental guidance select:



To understand the roles and legal duties of accountable persons and the principal accountable person for a high-rise residential building select the link below:





Inglis, J. (2023, April 12). Registration of High-rise residential buildings | HSE Media Centrehttps://press.hse.gov.uk/2023/04/12/registration-of-high-rise-residential-buildings/

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